• 17MAR, 2015
    Register for Spring Session Now

    Register for Spring Session Now

    The Spring wakes us, nurtures us and revitalizes us! Embrace spring! Spring Session begins the week of April 7th and goes until the week of June 30th. Register now for our spring session under the list of scheduled classes.

  • 16MAR, 2015

    Yoga for Gardening with Angie

    Ready to grow your practice in the garden? Angie will explore how you can establish a yoga practice in the garden and poses especially suited for gardeners. Friday Mar. 20th                                         7:00 – 9:00 pm         $45.00 + gst Register HERE    

  • 10FEB, 2015
    Yoga & Pilates: Enhanced Workshop with Andrew Hookey

    Yoga & Pilates: Enhanced Workshop with Andrew Hookey

    Pilates improves flexibility, builds strength and develops control and endurance in the whole human body. Join Andrew as he guides us through enhanced Yoga & Pilates poses, working on building core strength. Join us Friday Feb. 20th 7:00-9:00 pm $45.00+gst Call 403-225-0580 to register or email us at yogahave@telusplanet.net